"Rates of evolution can be fantastically fast because of that constant environmental change," Michael Benton, a vertebrate ...
Despite their gaps, fossil records can still unlock the secrets of evolution. Researchers reveal how the irregularity of ...
A new study reveals the surprisingly convergent evolution in the inner ear of mammals. An international research team showed that a group of highly divergent mammals known as Afrotheria and distantly ...
The ancient coelacanth, which has existed for some 419 million years, never stopped evolving despite its reputation as a ...
Following someone’s gaze may seem like a simple act, but it has profound implications for the evolution of intelligence. And ...
The senator froze for a moment before delivering a “yes.” Then, after several other candidates expressed their disagreement, ...
Like many life-changing decisions, mine was taken on a Tuesday with only the most cursory consideration and little ...
Coelacanths are deep-sea fish that live off the coasts of southern Africa and Indonesia and can reach up to two meters in ...
Between 2018 to 2021, the General Social Survey found that the spread between the percentage of Democrats and Republicans who ...
“Since joining the lab, Blake has been an integral part of several projects using big data, including her honors thesis,” ...
The trading landscape has evolved dramatically over the past few decades, becoming more transparent and dynamic due to ...