The war for us is not over yet." These words came from a 45-year-old Indian man who works to convey the history of the Battle of Imphal, dubbed the "most tragic battle of the Pacific War." ...
Representatives from the Nagaland state government, the Japanese government and Japanese companies operating in India attended a ceremony here on May 8 to mark the Imphal campaign. Japan clashed ...
As security forces in full battle gear are guarding the high-security areas, one insurgent was arrested along with ...
The Imphal Peace Museum and WWII Imphal Campaign Cemetery honors all lives lost during the battle. Other sites: Red Hill War Memorial, India Peace Memorial Location: Various sites near Imphal city ...
The proscribed People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak – Progressive (PREPAK-Progressive) has expressed deep condolences ...
The Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) and its military wing, the KCP/MFL, paid a revolutionary tribute to the martyrs who had ...