In other words, a functional is a function defined over functions, that maps functions to the field of real (or complex) numbers. Some examples of functionals include ...
Differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric expressions can be used for calculating rates of change, stationary points and their nature, or the gradient and equation of a tangent to a curve.
Cylindrical and spherical coordinates, double and triple integrals, line and surface integrals. Change of variables in multiple integrals; gradient, divergence, and ...
The course contains gradient and directional derivative, divergence and curl, circulation and flux, Gauss and Stokes theorems, computation of pressure force, particle derivative and acceleration, ...
Maths for Data Science is an essential pillar of the data-driven industry. Whether you want to analyze complex datasets, ...
Introduction to calculus in two and three dimensions, which includes a computer laboratory. Topics include functions of several variables, partial derivatives, the gradient, multiple integrals; ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken center stage in today’s technological landscape, but it didn’t materialize out of thin air. The ...
Introduction to calculus in two and three dimensions, which includes a computer laboratory. Topics include functions of several variables, partial derivatives, the gradient, multiple integrals; ...
Depiction of two possible paths to integrate. In green is the simplest possible path; blue shows a more convoluted curve The fundamental theorem of vector calculus states that, under some regularity ...