Ryan Coogler's "Sinners" features Michael B. Jordan in dual roles and facing down a mysterious threat, which seemingly is...
Black Panther franchise director Ryan Coogler reveals why he feels more excitement with the upcoming period film, Sinners.
Lupita Nyong'o, Michael B. Jordan, more mourn Chadwick Boseman in private memorial Michael B. Jordan posts emotional tribute to Chadwick Boseman: 'I wish we had more time' ...
Sinners, alongside a dramatic new poster. Michael B. Jordan looks intense as the man out for blood in the Jim Crow-era South. He plays twin characters, Elijah and Elias, who must fend off a horde of ...
Michael B. Jordan doubles up with his "twin" (both played by the actor) against evil in the second trailer of the upcoming vampire thriller Sinners. As seen in the video above, the twin characters and ...