Authorities arrived at that belief based on information they already had, the ease with which they found the caravan and the ...
Police say criminals were behind a ‘fabricated plot’ after a series of raids after a caravan packed with explosives and a ...
The trailer was easily found and the explosives were visibly displayed. “Also there was no detonator,” Barrett said, adding ...
The terror plot that turned out to be a con job. An explosive laden caravan turns out to be a set up.
A heated political back and forth has once again erupted over an explosives-filled caravan now believed to have been part of an elaborate antisemitic hoax. Federal police have alleged that ...
Criminals had been submitting false terrorism tips ever since the Dural ruse in which a caravan laden with mining explosives ...
Australian Police say the caravan laden with explosives that sparked fears of an anti-Semitic attack was a “fabricated plot” by known criminals. “Almost immediately, experienced investigators within ...
SYDNEY : A supposed plot to use explosives stashed in a caravan in a “terrorism event” targeting Jewish residents in ...
The caravan laden with explosives that sparked fears of an anti-Semitic attack was a “fabricated plot” by a known criminal, police say. “Almost immediately, experienced investigators within the joint ...
The caravan laden with explosives that sparked fears of an anti-Semitic attack was a “fabricated plot” by a known criminal, ...
The caravan laden with explosives that sparked fears of an anti-Semitic attack was a “fabricated plot” by a known criminal, police say. “Almost immediately, experienced investigators within ...