A volunteer first responder from Allenton has been named EMT of the year.
When County Rescue first premiered, it marked a milestone as the first original series on Great American Pure Family Now, as ...
A New Jersey EMT is being recognized as a hometown hero after rescuing teenagers trapped in a school bus crash on the Garden ...
Kayla Alvarez, a mom in Massachusetts, gave birth to her daughter Mariah in the back of an ambulance with the help of a ...
Tracy Herman won the Wisconsin EMS Association EMT of the Year award for 13 years of volunteer service, going above and ...
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians is America’s EMS certification organization – here’s how it works ...
Nicole Pizzi faces federal and local charges after allegedly assaulting a flight attendant, an EMT, and a nurse during a ...
Isiah Seago, a Horlick High School senior, is a fire and emergency medical technician youth apprentice, and he plans to ...
Amanda Strojinc and Kyle Preissner performed bystander CPR while a man was in cardiac arrest at Menards Jan. 24.
He may not call it "fate," but a young volunteer EMT is being credited for being in the "right place, and right time" when a ...
A local EMT is being honored after his quick-thinking actions helped rescue children from the school bus that overturned on ...
A young EMT who rushed to help children trapped in an overturned school bus on the Garden State Parkway will be honored by ...