There was a duty I felt to not get it wrong.' She spent nearly a decade fighting to bring her passion project, the compelling ...
Lee’: Kate Winslet connected to Lee Miller because “we live in a time where it’s still so challenging for women to just be themselves” ...
As awards season hots up, the British actress, nominated for two Golden Globes, is dressing boldly and defiantly – exactly as ...
Kate Winslet the Oscar-winning actress recently spoke with The Hollywood Reporter in Rome about her long and challenging ...
Help support the DJs, journalists, and staff of the station you love. Emmy and Oscar-winner Kate Winslet joins for a long ...
More often than not, a producer credit can be a vanity play for an actor - a shortcut to getting a project greenlit or ...
Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet recently spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about her long and challenging journey in bringing the life of war photograph..
Miller, who was a fashion photographer for magazines such as British Vogue, turned her talents towards documenting the experience of women ...
But then there’s Kate Winslet. She spent nearly a ... in the life of the model-turned-war correspondent Lee Miller, recently earned Winslet a Golden Globe nomination (she was also nominated ...
Kate Winslet discusses her recent starring role in Lee, a biopic film following World War II photographer Lee Miller that is ...
Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet recently spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about her long and challenging journey in bringing the life of war photographer Lee Miller to the big screen.
Kate Winslet reflects on her eight-year journey to bring Lee to the big screen, a passion project that celebrates the life ...