The final season of My Hero Academia is set to air soon, accompanied by a new spin-off anime based on the Vigilantes manga.
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is a prequel series about - as the title suggests - vigilantes operating outside the system and ...
Vigilantes manga marked its debut in 2016 and swiftly became one of the more popular pieces of media related to the My Hero Academia series.
Vigilantes', due for release in April 2025, will involve Koichi Haimawari, the vigilante hero five years before the 'My Hero ...
All Might may well be the Superman of My Hero Academia's world, but the universe's counterpart to Batman is only just now ...
Bakugo and Eri. Aizawa encourages Bakugo to make friends with Eri, which offers a look at the softer side of an often prickly ...
My Hero Academia's hit spin-off series, Team-Up Missions by Yoko Akiyama is ending in 2025 after a five-year-long run.
There are currently seven seasons of the My Hero Academia anime series, with an eighth and final season currently in production and expected to premiere in late 2025, along with four feature films ...