This walkthrough is written with those players in mind, and it will help them complete Chapter 6 of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black and find every collectible along the way. If a player ever gets lost during ...
The Flying Fortress Daedalus is the ninth chapter in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, and it sees Ryu mount an attack against a massive aircraft. This vehicle is home to six collectibles, and while it is not ...
Team Ninja has released a large patch for Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, bringing it up to Ver ... Team Ninja has lowered the Hit Points of enemies in Chapter 8 and Chapter 11, raised the number of enemies ...
Pitched as a remake of the Xbox 360 original, this is actually closer to Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma in terms of the volume of enemies that you face, and some of the other revisions and changes made as ...
Submit, or Die! is the tenth chapter in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, and it is home to four Crystal Skulls, several Life of the Gods, and one Jewel of the Demon Seal. While players are certainly not ...
Beyond this, the new Ninja Gaiden 2 Black patch also resolved a variety of different bugs that players have found in the game. Team Ninja has also tweaked some of the balance of NG2B in certain ...