In our first seminar of the Spring semester, Bohnet and Chilazi will give an overview of their book and the theme of this ...
This seminar is based on ideas presented in the upcoming book "Make Work Fair" by Iris Bohnet and Siri Chilazi.
There is something new under the sun. Many of our beliefs and certainties may be coming to an end. Like the ancient navigators contemplating the immensity of the oceans, full of promises, mysteries, ...
This book will help you think more analytically. Doing so will enable you to better understand the world around you, to make smarter decisions, and to ultimately live a more fulfilling life. It draws ...
Noevember 2021, Opinion: "Barry Eichengreen, Asmaa El-Ganainy, Rui Esteves, and Kris James Mitchener present a valuable, detailed account of the evolution of public debt instruments and institutions ...
2022, Book: "This book assesses major schools of thought in macroeconomic theory between the Great Depression and the Long Recession, focusing on their analysis of cycles, crises and macro-policy. It ...
July 2020, Paper, "There is compelling evidence that globalization shocks, often working through culture and identity, have played an important role in driving up support for populist movements, ...
August 2020, Paper: "China’s real estate has been a key engine of its sustained economic expansion. This paper argues, however, that even before the Covid-19 shock, a decades-long housing boom had ...
September 21, 2021, Paper: "We develop a measure of firm-year-specific human capital investment from pub licly disclosed personnel expenses (PE) and examine the stock market valuation of this ...
2020, Paper: "Using a multi-method approach, we investigate whether income volatility is associated with financial impatience—the preference to receive a small sum of money immediately over a larger ...
March 5, 2021, Opinion: "The labor market improved in February 2021 as employers added 379,000 jobs, leaving the economy at 11.9 million jobs below its pre-pandemic trend. At the same time the ...
December 6, 2020, Opinion: "In the evolution of the U.S. economy over the past four decades, one fact stands out as especially puzzling: the large and fairly steady decline in interest rates. Consider ...