Our staff of professionally trained journalists and sales executives work to bring readers the latest in real news and shopping choices in Lea County.
Going on vacation? Let us HOLD your print papers for you and they’ll be waiting for you when you return. Don’t want all that? We can STOP print delivery entirely and schedule it to resume when you ...
Our staff of professionally trained journalists and sales executives work to bring readers the latest in real news and shopping choices in Lea County.
Our staff of professionally trained journalists and sales executives work to bring readers the latest in real news and shopping choices in Lea County.
Princeton graduate joins First Presbyterian Hobbs RICH TROUT NEWS-SUN It wasn’t an easy ride for First Presbyterian Church of Hobbs. It was more like a stalled roller coaster. After First Presbyterian ...
There’s an undeniable excitement that accompanies community growth. A thriving downtown, the arrival of new businesses creating job opportunities, and an increase in community events all point to ...
Our staff of professionally trained journalists and sales executives work to bring readers the latest in real news and shopping choices in Lea County.
Our staff of professionally trained journalists and sales executives work to bring readers the latest in real news and shopping choices in Lea County.