Canada and Jordan also share strong people to-people links through a Jordanian-Canadian community largely centred in Toronto, Jordanian students studying in Canada, and Canadians living and working in ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
I am extremely honoured to be the Consul General of Canada in Los Angeles, and to be leading a dedicated team that promotes trade and investment, provides consular services to Canadians in need, and ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
The Government of Canada has travel information for more than 230 countries. They even include local emergency contact info and where to find Canadian consular assistance nearby. For now, let’s focus ...
This report outlines the work undertaken by Global Affairs Canada and the Interdepartmental Task force to protect Canada-based staff members and their families from further “unexplained health ...
Explorez l’engagement du Canada dans la région indo-pacifique, guidé par la Stratégie du Canada pour l’Indo-Pacifique. La stratégie globale et pangouvernementale du Canada visant à orienter ses ...
Le Canada et les États-Unis entretiennent une relation unique. Le partenariat Canada-États-Unis est forgé par une géographie partagée, des valeurs semblables, des intérêts communs, des liens ...
Note: Each TRQ is administered independently in accordance with the applicable policies. You may apply for an allocation under multiple TRQs, but you must submit a separate application for each TRQ ...
We provide services to Canadians visiting and living in Saint Lucia. We also provide services to Canadians in: ...
Nous offrons des services aux Canadiens qui visitent la Slovénie et qui y vivent.