We’ll do everything we can to make sure your experience of the RA is enjoyable, comfortable and memorable. Find information on the accessibility of our buildings and facilities. This includes ...
An address, read before the Society of Architects and Antiquaries of London, at the first meeting of their fourth session / by John Britton. - London: 1822 ...
xxx, 119 pages : black & white illustrations ; 21 cm. (hbk). A digitised copy of the 1910 RA annual exhibition catalogue, the subject of this publication, can be ...
500 # # $a This is an anonymous, privately-printed pamphlet. The printer statement appears on the verso of the half-title (and the foot of page 48), 'London ...
This is an anonymous, privately-printed pamphlet. The printer statement appears on the verso of the half-title (and the foot of page 48), 'London: / Ibotson and Palmer, Printers, Savoy Street, Strand.
500 # # $a This copy of the work has a half-title ('A / second letter, / etc. etc.-etc.'). On the verso of this half-title (and at the foot of p. 64) appears the ...
500 # # $a Printer statement on page [2] (and the foot of page 16): 'Printed at the Windsor Press, by C. Knight.' Paper front cover of the pamphlet with printed title ...