Bollywood's power couple, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, recently stole the spotlight at a family wedding, effortlessly turning heads with their chic ethnic outfits. But the buzz doesn’t end ...
Shivani Tiwari | Jan 09, 2025, 05:39 PM IST 1.Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh In their recent airport appearance, Deepika and Ranveer opted for a relaxed, comfortable look that showcased their ...
Bollywood has always been famous for its fashion face-offs, and this time, grabbing attention are our two favorite leading ...
Sonu Sood's Fateh, co-starring Jacqueline Fernandez and others, is all set to release in theatres tomorrow. How is the buzz for the movie? Let's find out.
The lob cut is an ideal haircut for individuals with a heart-shaped face, as it draws attention away from the jawline and ...
While Chennai Express did face some criticism for its portrayal of South Indians, it eventually found a loyal fanbase who loved the quirky movie more with each watch. The glitch in the Shah Rukh Khan ...
Deepika Padukone never fails to make a style statement ... The high-low asymmetrical cut on one end of the dress while the other side went on to have a sweeping train. The crossover straps ...
A perfect combination of beauty and brains, the ever-so-poised Deepika Padukone is all set to celebrate her birthday tomorrow on December 5. The new mommy has always amazed fans through her ...
As a Capricorn, Deepika is ambitious and disciplined. This year, her determination will help her achieve significant milestones. She should embrace change and trust her instincts to navigate ...