We make hundreds of daily microdecisions about food that can change our genetic and physiologic “fate.” Like any doctor, I ...
Recent news stories have reported that people who eat a lot of processed meat, face a higher risk of cognitive decline and ...
LocalCoho, a soon-to-close salmon farm in the small upstate city of Auburn, wanted to give 40,000 pounds (18,100 kilograms) ...
do whatever is in our power to reject ultra-processed food. • Buy frozen organic fruits, vegetables, meats, and wild-caught fish in bulk, or buy fresh and freeze. I get four pounds of organic ...
Jim Richards doesn’t look like a mad scientist and his plant-based milk made from macadamia nuts tastes delicious. Yet his carefully crafted product is one of many in the grocery store that can fall ...
Americans love chicken. Since it became the most consumed meat in the United States in the 1990s, chicken consumption has ...
A New York food bank was offered a huge donation of fresh fish this month — but it ... 13,000 salmon from the water and then have them processed into frozen fillets for distribution to regional ...
A new study suggests that eating a lot of ultra-processed foods—like soft drinks, chips, and cookies—may increase the risk of stroke and memory problems. The study, published on May 22 in Neurology, ...