Maths for Data Science is an essential pillar of the data-driven industry. Whether you want to analyze complex datasets, ...
Abstract: This paper proposes a quaternion projection gradient ascent (QPGA) iterative algorithm based on generalized $\mathbb {HR}$ calculus for computing the principal eigenvalues and its ...
The course contains gradient and directional derivative, divergence and curl, circulation and flux, Gauss and Stokes theorems, computation of pressure force, particle derivative and acceleration, ...
W. Briggs, L. Cochran, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd Edition.
Gradient in vector calculus is a vector field representing the maximum rate of increase of a scalar field or a multivariate function and the direction of this maximal rate.
Gradient is a measure of steepness. As you move along a line from left to right, you might go up, you might go down or you might not change at all. Gradient \(= \frac{\text{change up}}{\ ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken center stage in today’s technological landscape, but it didn’t materialize out of thin air. The ...
Additional explanation of computation graphs, memory usage, and gradient computation strategies, can be found in the blog post accompanying our package. import tensorflow as tf import ...