My Hero Academia plunges you into a world where humans have evolved to possess superpowers known as Quirks. Society begins to change as a result, with Pro-Heroes and Hero Schools cropping up in a bid ...
The new line includes heroes and villains such as Midoriya, Shigaraki, Star and Stripe, Dabi, and even a glow-in-the-dark Dabi chase!
Deku is no longer the quirkless kid he once was as he's evolved significantly throughout the My Hero Academia anime.
We have information on which Marvel Rivals heroes are getting buffed and nerfed, and how the upcoming quartet of heroes are ...
In reviewing Pedroia’s career, I kept returning to a measuring stick used by a lot of Hall of Fame voters: Did this player ...
Vigilantes', due for release in April 2025, will involve Koichi Haimawari, the vigilante hero five years before the 'My Hero ...
Although golf at the professional level never truly takes a deep breath, the PGA Tour did attempt to leave our consciousness for a few weeks, concluding official events just before Thanksgiving, while ...
While far from the end of the reveals as lots of projects still under wraps, there are enough new anime already announced ...
My Hero Academia may be finishing up this year ... episodes together in a big-screen outing as a stopgap ahead of a new season. In this instance, it's Gojo and Geto's Hidden Inventory/Premature ...
My Hero Academia's final season is releasing ... While the main adaptation will end here with the eighth season, a new spin-off, titled Vigilantes, is scheduled for April 2025.
A columnist reminisces on his youthful fandom and the intense devotion to the unorthodox player who made sports matter.
Buehler threw the final out in the 2024 World Series to close out the New York Yankees in five games ... starts for the Dodgers during the regular season. His fortunes turned in the postseason ...