Here's where Henderson Companies, headquartered in Lenexa, decided to open its new office location in the U.S.
As someone who studied the subject at A-level and finally returned to it, as an undergraduate, in my seventh decade, I fully endorse Bobby Seagull’s views on the importance — and, yes, the beauty of ...
Microchip gives engineers a peek into its latest dsPIC33A digital signal controllers, addressing real-time control in ...
John Owen’s Classic Works on the Evil of Sin and the Power of Grace, Updated for Modern Readers Regarded as one of the greatest theologians in history, 17th-century pastor John Owen remains ...
Widowed Isabelle decides to take a lover after her youngest sister ties the knot. However, when she meets Seth at his house party, her plans go awry. Both of them are attracted to each other and ...
A blazing-fast semantic search React component. Match by meaning, not just by letters. Search as you type without waiting (no debounce needed). Rank by cosine similarity.
Macdonald, Paul A. 2021. IN DEFENSE OF AQUINAS'S ADAM: ORIGINAL JUSTICE, THE FALL, AND EVOLUTION. Zygon®, Vol. 56, Issue. 2, p. 454.
Function y = cos(x) calculates the cosine of an angle in radians. It has a high-speed, fully pipelined architecture and uses a polynomial with dynamic coefficients to calculate the result to within ...
Carlet, Claude 2020. Graph Indicators of Vectorial Functions and Bounds on the Algebraic Degree of Composite Functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 66, Issue. 12, p. 7702.
Mathematical operators are provided for many PostgreSQL types. For types without standard mathematical conventions (e.g., date/time types) we describe the actual behavior in subsequent sections. Table ...