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The purchase allows Celsius to add a fast-growing beverage popular with young women while better positioning it to compete ...
Arizona lawmakers are debating whether food stamps should cover soda. Representative Leo Biasiucci’s proposal would ban soft drinks—both regular and diet — from being purchased with food assistance.
And for their part, the bill’s sponsors aren’t running away from the usual criticism that “whenever you tax something, you ...
The state of Maryland is looking to sweeten its tax revenue thanks to a proposed tax on sugary drinks, syrups and powders. If ...
A push to ban sugary drinks, candy and more from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program may soon get a boost from new ...
To help Marylanders reduce their consumption of sugary drinks, Delegate Emily Shetty of Montgomery County is proposing a new legislation.
The tax would cost 2 cents per ounce and would help fund free schools meals, childcare, and the state's ailing general fund.
The tax would cost 2 cents per ounce and would help fund free schools meals, childcare, and the state's ailing general fund.
USDA Secretary Brooke Collins wants to ban “bad food” from food stamp purchases, placing limits on Americans with scarce food ...
Budget now finally fully approved, here's a look at the changes in the health and social care part of the finance law - from ...