If you like the service HNN provides, please consider making a donation. Following is the text of a lecture Mr. Hahn delivered at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians on April ...
Ever wonder why presidential candidates talk so much about issues like Medicare that affect people in the upper age brackets? It's because older people vote at much higher rates than others. In 2008 ...
Mr. Rees is Associate Professor of History, Colorado State University - Pueblo. According to the Rocky Mountain News, the Colorado Commission on Higher Education and top Republican state legislators ...
Mr. Cole is professor of History at the University of Michigan and author of Sacred Space and Holy War (I.B. Tauris, 2002). His web site is www.juancole.com. David Horowitz has now targeted liberal ...
Ms. O'Neill is an HNN intern. Timothy Meagher is associate professor of history and curator of the American Catholic History Collections at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He ...
Chung Chinsung is Professor of Sociology, Seoul National University. In August 2004 she was appointed to a post at the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Emanuel Pastreich teaches in the ...
Pope Francis in Brazil on March 20. Credit: Wiki Commons.With their unending infatuation with the exotica of ritual and royalty, all of the networks provided extensive coverage of the papal ...
The US Army had been grappling with the question of how to man its rapidly expanding force even before Pearl Harbor. This was an increasingly critical, though largely unknown, problem throughout the ...
Ms. Porter, a former social studies teacher, is associate research director of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation. For an organization that claims to value diversity and debate as much as the National ...
The debut Bachmann Award does not, surprisingly enough, go to Michelle Bachmann herself. Instead, the honor goes to Democrat Yvette Clark, who represents part of Brooklyn in the U.S. House, for her ...
Mr. Howe is the author of What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848, the newest addition to the award-winning Oxford University History of the United States series. I have just ...
Jack Censer is a professor of history at George Mason University and former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.