The year 2005 marked a century since the discovery of the largest gem diamond ever found: the 3,106 ct Cullinan. Eight decades after it was mined, a team of gemologists conducted the first modern ...
12月の誕生石からどれか一つを選ぶとしたら、タンザナイト、トルコ石、ジルコンのどれをお選びになりますか?青から青みがかった紫色のタンザナイト、濃い青から緑色のトルコ石、様々 ...
这一组原石和成品蓝宝石显示了蓝色至紫罗兰色或紫色色彩的广泛范围,以及可以在约戈蓝宝石中发现的由淡到深的色度组合。最大的刻面宝石是一颗 1.44 克拉的垫型切工宝石。由 Bill Vance ...
This 146.10-carat peridot is in the collection of the Natural History Museum in London Peridot has always been associated with light. In fact, the Egyptians called it the “gem of the sun.” Some ...
Laser sawing of diamonds is beginning to revolutionize the diamond-cutting industry. Not only does the laser saw offer savings in time and money, but it also enables the cutting of material virtually ...
Two major issues related to emerald are origin determination and the presence and quantity of fillers. An emerald’s value depends in part on the quality of the stone and treatments applied, so ...
Amethyst may develop into the more common citrine and rarer green quartz naturally under certain geologic conditions. On the California-Nevada border, just north of Reno, amethyst, citrine, and green ...
Each year basalt-topped Peridot Mesa, on the San Carlos Apache Reservation, is a major source for thousands of carats of gem-quality peridot in sizes suitable for use in modern jewelry. Marketed ...
Most Russian hydrothermal synthetic rubies and pink, orange, green, blue, and violet sapphires—colored by chromium and/or nickel—reveal diagnostic zigzag or mosaic-like growth structures associated ...
ルビー、サファイア、エメラルド、パライバ トルマリン、レッド スピネル、アレキサンドライトが、GIAカラー ストーン鑑別及び原産地レポートの対象となります。しかしながら、これはGIA ...
Few people outside the gem industry realize the true nature of a gemstone’s journey from the mine to the counter of a store. Whether the gem is being offered to consumer’s at a traditional jewelry ...
GIA programs and courses are offered year-round on a rolling basis at GIA campuses around the globe. This enables students to jumpstart their gem and jewelry career studies at the soonest, most ...