Where our pipes are | Developer services | Thames Water
The map below shows the areas we serve - the grey area is where we provide waste services; blue is where we provide water. As examples, we provide waste services in Luton, whilst Affinity provide the water. In Aylesbury, we provide both water and waste services.
Regional plans and portals | DWMP | Thames Water
Our Customer portal has a series of interactive maps that display the different catchment areas and the assessments carried out within them. This portal is for everyone to use, to see what's happening in their catchment area. See our Customer portal maps
Map of the Thames Water Utilities Ltd. area showing the water …
Download scientific diagram | Map of the Thames Water Utilities Ltd. area showing the water supply catchments (black boundaries) and the wastewater resource zone (dotted black line).
Thames Water Catchment Area - Scribble Maps
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Map of the Thames catchment - Thames Water
Click the image above to see in more detail. There are no related entities.
Our Catchment - ArcGIS StoryMaps
Jan 25, 2023 · Within the River Thame Catchment, ten areas were identified as Important Freshwater Areas at the catchment scale (these are called ‘catchment IFAs’).
Our DWMP | Drainage and wastewater management - Thames Water
Our provide a visual and geographical display of the data behind our DWMP, as interactive maps. We provide our DWMP data in a table format for our regulator Ofwat, for comparison against other water companies. Read our Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan, together with summary documents, technical appendices and regional plans.
Tidal Thames Operational Catchment | Catchment Data Explorer
Aug 3, 2023 · Viewing latest data (Updated on 03 August 2023). There are 8 water bodies in this operational catchment. Boundary/GIS data for this area. Printable view of all summary tables. This Surface...
NEW Thames Water Sewage Map : The Kennet Catchment
Jan 11, 2023 · Thames Water have released a new ‘near real-time map’ showing storm discharge activity, as indicated by their EDM monitors. You can use the map to see if overflows are currently discharging into a watercourse or the date and time of the last recorded discharge.
Map for individual River Thame catchment IFAs. Figure 1. The River Thame Catchment, and its location in the River Thames Catchment. Figure 2. Running and standing water network across the River Thame Catchment. Figure 3. Nationally designated sites and nature reserves in the River Thame Catchment. Figure 4.