Thames Water - The UK’s largest water and wastewater company
Welcome to Thames Water. We take care of water for 16 million people, enabling our customers, communities, and environment to thrive.
Your online account | Account and billing | Thames Water
Metered customers can submit readings online and monitor water usage. 24/7 online account access Make changes to your account at any time, such as telling us you're moving.
Account log in | Account and billing | Thames Water
You can login to your Thames Water account to manage your online account from submitting a meter read to paying your bill.
thames water logo and appropriate badge e.g wo or fh. 2.2 430 x 280 clear opening recycled polymer chamber sections. 2.3 the surface box shall be positioned such that when a key and standpipe are fitted to the hydrant, equal clearances exist around the sides of the box. 2.4 type 1 backfill well compacted minimum thickness 300 below chamber .
Your water your say | Regulation | About us | Thames Water
Every five years, we set new priorities to best deliver our water and wastewater services. As part of the conversation about our business plans, we held our first 'Your water, your say' meeting on 19 May 2023.
Suppliers and procurement | Working with us | Thames Water
Find out more about working with us as a supplier. This includes how to become a supplier and our procurement process.
Liquidity Extension Update | Newsroom | Thames Water
Oct 25, 2024 · Thames Water Utilities Limited announces proposed transaction to extend its liquidity runway. This includes up to £3.0bn of new money in addition to access to cash reserves and debt extensions.
Water and waste help | Help and advice - Thames Water
We have lots of advice on tackling water and waste issues at home, from low water pressure to sewer flooding. You can also report a range of problems online including: Leaks; Blockages; Sewer flooding; Site issues; Broken manhole covers; Pollution; Report a problem
600 x 600 clear opening with thames water logo. for field, footway or verge use b125 cover and assess risk of exceeding cover loading. for roads use d400 covers. 7. 600 x 600 clear opening recycled polymer chamber sections 8. yellow heavy duty ductile iron cover and frame 380 x 230 clear opening with thames water logo and badged fh,
Contact us | Thames Water | Customer service contact
We're here to help. Contact our friendly customer services team if you need help with your bill or if you have a water or waste issue.