Q&A: 2010 Toyota Prius Rear Wheel Bearing Replacement
Customer: i changed out both rear wheel bearings in 2010 Toyota Prius and can't get ABS SKID and Brake lights to go off. Mechanic's Assistant: Is it just the ABS light? Or is the brake system warning light on, too? Customer: all three lights on. bearings bought new and double checked wiring to speed sensors on bearings.
2009 Prius Dashboard Issues: Lights & Shutdown FAQ - JustAnswer
When your Toyota Prius won't turn off and has no dash lights, the most common cause is the combination meter. The combination meter is the gauge with green LEDs behind the steering wheel. It has the speedometer, fuel gauge, and shift selector position as well as a …
Q&A: Solving Prius Wheel Bearing Noise | 2007 Toyota Prius
Customer: I have a 2007 Toyota Prius. it has a growling noise while driving down the road. It's definitely in connection with the output axle on the passenger side. It's definitely in connection with the output axle on the passenger side.
Troubleshooting Toyota Prius Noise: Q&A on Loud Engine & Road …
Wheel bearings are very common to fail on this particular model Prius. Wheel bearing noise will increase and decrease with speed and changing lanes putting lateral load on the vehicle will make the noise increase and decrease with intensity.
Troubleshooting: Prius Won't Go Into Drive or Reverse - JustAnswer
Wont go into drive or reverse 2007. Prius. Nothing. Happened while driving for 2 hours - Answered by a verified Toyota Mechanic
Q&A: Rumbling Noise When Driving - Prius Wheel Bearing Noise
Customer: A "rumbling" noise is heard from the vehicle when starting to drive. There's no shaking, squealing, or grinding, and no shudder in the steering wheel. The rumbling sound is loudest between approximately 51-56 mph, then instantly reduces at 57 mph but remains audible.
Recently my 2011 Prius IV steering groaned, with steering wheel ...
Recently my 2011 Prius IV steering groaned, with steering wheel vibration when I started moving ahead slowly from a stop
Q&A: Toyota Prius Power Steering Problems & Fluid Location
The Toyota Prius is equipped with electric powersteering, so there's no fluid to check. The problem lies internal of the rack and pinion gear. I have delt with this problem before with the 2001 and 2002 model Prius'. If the problem appears to get worse, do not drive the car and have it towed. Does the steering require more effort to turn? WFM ...
Q&A: Can a Lifted Prius Tow? 2012 Toyota Prius Wheels - JustAnswer
2012 toyota prius plug in hybrid. at the present time, no faults on the display. is there a procedure to test the high Eric 20+ yrs. experience as repair shop manager and technician.
Battery is new. Will not shift out of Park into Drive or Reverse ...
Will not shift out of Park into Drive or Reverse? Toyota Prius's battery Mechanic's Assistant: Hi there. How long has the vehicle been stuck in park? Have you tried shifting to "Drive" while pressing the brake? Customer: Have tried that yes About a week Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your Prius? Customer: 2012 - 160,000 miles Mechanic's ...